Introductie to SoulCollage®

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€ 15,00 (including VAT)

ntroduction to SoulCollage® CD (Second EditioAuthor: 


Seena Frost

Seena Frost, founder of SoulCollage® gives a basic introduction to the SoulCollage® process and leads a guided meditation to help people identify allies for their Companion Suit. SoulCollage® is easy and fun. You don't have to be an artist; anyone can enjoy making SoulCollage® cards. Listening to the founder of SoulCollage®,  you will easily understand the basics of this satisfying and inspiring art process and be ready to get started. One by one, the cards you make will join your personal SoulCollage® deck. This deck, designed just for you by you, can help your own intuition answer life's questions.

This CD includes a 20-minute meditation in which Seena Frost guides you through the energy centers to discover more about the quality of your physical energy in the different areas of life. This is a process that can be used time and time again.

This CD and Facilitating SoulCollage® in Groups are required listening before attending a SoulCollage® Facilitator Training.

(2010) CD

1) Introduction
2) Guided Meditation for the Companion Suit in the SoulCollage® deck

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